Welcome Fellow Traveler!

Each of us is on a journey through mortality, and our mission is to find peace within ourselves and within the people around us, in our immediate families and circles to the community as a whole.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

True Experiences of Life

It is quite easy to lose sight of the true experiences in this existence. Temporal belongings aren’t inherently wrong, nor should we feel we have to suffer and deny ourselves the enjoyment of a comfortable and pleasing lifestyle. However, true happiness is not found in things-but in relationships. Sure, it is fun to drive a fast car, but when that fast car wears out or when you drive it home to an empty house, what really matters then?

What are the true experiences to seek out in this life? Experience is the only thing that can not be taken away from us, we may lose our homes, our jobs, our social standing, but we can’t lose what we’ve done, where we’ve been, and who we’ve loved. The true experiences that will mean the most are the ones that we feel with every fiber of our being. Remember how your heart swelled and your stomach got weak when you had your first crush, or the bittersweet parting words to a beloved friend, the joy over acing a test, the feeling of belonging when with a group of friends on a spontaneous road trip, the crystal blue sky, so perfect it seemed like a Hollywood creation, the comfort of a parent after skinning a knee, being comfortable with where we are now, the list is endless and so personal. These are the true experiences of life, the moments where anything is possible, hope abounds and hearts are open, most often during the day-to-day life we overlook. The little moments are like a small creek directing our path towards a might river of major events, where we shape our characters and destiny through experiences in the moment.

How quickly we forget about each others as we shuffle in and out each day in perfect unison, while days , weeks, months tick by in precise routine, without stopping to examine our lives. The demands of modern western life smother us in bills, careers, taxes and responsibilities, while zapping and draining our zest for living, for breathing, for experiencing, while we slowly trade our spirits for lifeless husks of forgotten dreams. The dark monument looms to drain our enthusiasm, our wonderment, our innocence. When was the last time you swung in a swing at the park? When was the last time you colored in a coloring book? Or went to the zoo? We trade our courage, faith and hopes and dreams for trappings of adult and worldly success- big houses, fancy heels, big offices. We silence our hearts to listen to the pounding drumbeat of reason, logic and sensibility.

Before long, a life whisks by, as time often seems to move more quickly as we age, and the sum of our existence is regulated to a few terse newsprint lines in a fading newspaper with a gaggle of mourners gathered for a graveside service. Nobody then brags about diamond rings or houseboats on the lake, but the memories of a first dance as husband and wife, the annual trip up north to pick apples, or graduation day.

It is not an easy task to relearn how to listen to our hearts and be driven by focusing on the moment. Dishes will always be there, laundry will always need folding, emails will always need to be written and paperwork always will need filing. There is always going to be something trying to stop us from opportunities to do things that truly matter. Does the car really need to be washed while passing over someone else’s time of need?

Take advantage of every moment of life, and don’t let an opportunity to change course pass you by because of obligation or duty to never-ending responsibility. One small moment may be a life-saving event for someone else. At the end of your mortal journey, shall it be said of you that you regretted not spending more time at the office? Life is not meant to be a monotonous trip through drudgery. Life is meant to experience, to love, to hope and to dream, to comfort and mourn and build relationships to change not only others, but ourselves.

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