Welcome Fellow Traveler!

Each of us is on a journey through mortality, and our mission is to find peace within ourselves and within the people around us, in our immediate families and circles to the community as a whole.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Seek the Rescuing Rope

It is hard to see the end from the beginning. It is hard to see beyond the day-to-day grind as we trudge through, it is hard to see the grand sweeping scope of eternity, when we feel mired down with temporal pain and anguish.

There are a lot of us suffering silently, with our fingernails grasping on the cliffs of faith, desperately trying to avoid the faithless chasm of eternal despair below us where our soul will ultimately be devoured and folded into the forgotten, if we let lose of our weakening grip.

What do we do to save ourselves? How do we keep move from our teetering grips on a rocky, devoid precipice to reaching the safety of solid ground? Though those of the world flaunt living close to the edge- it really is just a song. We must turn back to the Lord. If we haven’t talked to the Lord before, or in a long time, we must kneel and pour out our deepest fears, our loftiest hopes, and our hearts to Him. Ask for faith, for strength, for relief. Toss your backpacks of woe and care to the Master, Jesus Christ. He has born all. He is the safety rope that will rescue all of us that are clasping with all our might, but are slipping on our cliffs of turmoil. We simply can’t afford to live on the edge of faith, of reason, of skeptical doubt. It is too dangerous for our mortal journey or our eternal salvation.

Call out for comfort, for endurance, for joy. Cleave unto your covenants. The blessings of God are available to all, regardless of status, when based upon obedience. Never give up. Never let go of your hold on that cliff. The Savior didn’t – because He, as the Son of God, knew what the eternal possibilities were promised to each of us. We may, in abstract, understand the concept that there is more. Life is about joy. So, seek true joy where we are. Look for the subtle reminders that God is real and knows us – perhaps in the blossom of a flower, a vibrant sunset, the smile and welcome of a long-lost friend. During our busy lives, take time to stop, and consider the eternities that wait for us – the eternities that we are living and shaping now. Take time to be still, to open your heart to the whisperings of God’s love – without cell phones, iPods and vapid television sitcoms.

Face each day with full conviction of heart with a prayer in your soul. Accept each opportunity, both good and hard, with courage. Enjoy every moment. Begin your eternal journey every day. The road to eternal joy is a daily decision, a task and path chosen by us each day. Eternal life, the sweet reward, is comprised of a thousand daily decisions that we choose in the sum of our existence. We must stay strong, for there is evil at work, seeking to have us fail and be miserable, to destroy us into weak and useless shreds of our true divinity.

There is a master plan. Each of us has a part; don’t lose your light because of the seemingly endless night. There is hope. There is purpose. There is a reason for all things. Grasp on to the rescuing rope of the Lord and His Son, Jesus Christ, come back to the safety of solid ground. God is there. God is real. God loves you and is waiting to rescue you from the calamities and silent sufferings of your heart.

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